Pyrite, Crystals, Howlite and LAVA!

Not sure if it is solely Brooklyn but minerals without any major modification to their form seem to be the choice material for several jewelry designers, myself included. I've seen pieces with Pyrite gold or black, Crystals and Howlite but my favorite (and one I've seen the least) is most definitely LAVA! I purchased some last week and will be tinkering with some new designs in the coming weeks... Be on the look out for new stuff on

I Think I'm In Love

As I'm finding some inspiration for what I'll design in my 3rd Ward metal fabrication intensive next week; I stumbled upon SMITH/GREY - oh my I think I'm in love. The London based jewelry duo Birgit Marie Schmidt and Sofus Graae just released a new line titled Bulls & Roses which marries two of my favorite themes together - animals and flowers! While this isn't the direction I'll be taking next week it's always great to find new designers to follow. 



Kate Spade 2013 Fall Accessories

Dammmmnnnn girl. I’m extremely surprised by Kate Spade’s Fall 2013 accessories line. Please don’t get me wrong I like the new upcoming line but I’d be interested to know why the sudden shake up with both the Spade and Burch brands; especially this year. Thoughts anyone?

My favorite would have to be gold ‘n glittery lip sunglasses; however I wish those lips were a bit more voluptuous & smeared with some bright “lipstick” on only half the upper and bottom lip... Can you imagine? Color block lip sunglasses?! I bet you those would be FLYING off the shelves this summer.


Cuff me officer

They’ve been blowing up on the jewelry scene over the past few months and I’m ashamed to admit I’ve been seriously slacking on the cuff front. I collected a few of my favorites below to get me inspired and the creative juices flowin’ so that I can create one to call my own this week.

African Quills

A few years back my mother made the decision to designate every member of my family to be responsible for a segment of the day over the course of Christmas Eve and Christmas. In the new Guerin family tradition every member is in-charge of the meal and activity during their segment of the day they’ve picked. My mother was in charge of Christmas evening and this year she threw a raffle. However we could not purchase the items with our own money but instead we had to compete for Monopoly money that my mother had hidden away; we got the money by complimenting, doing nice things, and in short brown noising my mother over the holiday. No need to ask who got the most money (it was me of course) and with that hard earned Monopoly I won a bundle of gorgeous African Porcupine Needles.  I’ve got few ideas that I’ve sketch out that are going to be up on the website soon, just have to wait on my new order of needles!


Animal Rings

If you couldn't tell already I'm somewhat obsessed with any and all animal themed jewelry. The Dachshund, (who've I've named Basil after my roommate Laura's cute Dachshund pup) is of course my personal, with the slough coming in as a close second. What's your favorite?

Emily Miranda Studio

I'm absolutely blown away by Emily Miranda, one of the jewelry designers that came across my computer screen this week. It was an extremely hard task but I was able to narrow down my favorite to 15. I strongly recommend that you check out the rest of her line. 

Gothic Chic

The two pieces above are apart Angela Casserly's new jewelry line LACQUERED. Th San Francisco based artist melds together the baroque, gothic and avant garde styles quite seamlessly. Well done, I'm saving up to by a piece for myself.